Premium Leather Canvas 1/2 Frame bag.
We sourced an extraordinary 5/6 oz Old World Russet Harness Top Grain Vegetable / Oak Tan wax impregnated hide that can yield about 8 sets of frame bag and top tube bags. Each hide is unique. Similar to our focus on the highest quality and most durable bicycle gear we have applied the same approach to our leather goods. Herman Oak has been using the same oak pits from 1886 where this hide was processed during a 4 month period at the tannery. We use premium waxed canvas for an ideal aethestic, functionally terrific and water resistant for normal usage.
Available in small, medium and large Small generally fits top tubes for size 50 bikes and smaller, Medium is for top tubes from 52 to 55, Large for 56 to 61 and XL for 62 to 65 top tubes (the XL is a little more expensive because of the larger pieces of leather). Let us know if you have some specific requests, we make these to order. It might take a week or two sometimes more but not usually.